Filtering by: COLAGE Event

3:30 PM15:30

Teen Panel

Families and community welcome to listen to our teens talk about what it's like being a COLAGEr today, their challenges, their joys, and what they want to tell the world. This is an especially great place for parents and prospective parents to listen to the wisdom of our youth.

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10:00 AM10:00

COLAGE Workshops

On Thursday morning, COLAGErs will get to pick which "do-something" workshop they want to be in. There will also be an opportunity for them to present/perform what they worked on during the Variety Show on Friday. Waffles can choose from Ocean Adventures, Writing & Activism, Collaging, Theater, or Drag. *Note: If Waffles choose Ocean Adventures, close-toed water shoes i.e. Crocs, Keenes, etc., a towel, bathing suit, and a water bottle are ideal for this do-something. Crew can choose from Creative Writing, String Art, Theatre, Dance, Drag, and Song-Making. High School can choose from Drag, Creative Writing, and Collaging.

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10:00 AM10:00

An Interactive Workshop for Interracial Adoptive Parents

Hosted by Tony Hynes, Training Specialist, Center for Adoption Support and Education. This seminar will provide a space where interracial adoptive parents can share their questions, experiences and concerns about parenting children who are of a different race from their own. In addition, during this event, parents will learn about best practices in interracial adoptive families related but not limited to: best practices in creating diverse environments, how parents can help their children in fostering healthy racial identity development, how to talk about race and racism in interracial adoptive families, and the importance of birth family connections.

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2:00 PM14:00

Wigging Out with Queerella DeVille and the COLAGE Kids

Bring your voice and dance moves to the Second Annual Queerella DeVille Show! "Wigging Out" will feature well-known songs to advance a musical plot about Pride, self-acceptance, and overcoming conflict. Tickets start at $10 for youth and $25 for adults. This is a FUNdraiser for COLAGE.

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10:00 AM10:00

COLAGE Workshops

Waffles (8-10 year olds):

  • Body Positivity: COLAGErs come in all different shapes and sizes. How can we celebrate our bodies and understand our differences?

  • Field Day: Join the fun with Field Day! It’s going to be a day filled with awesome games and activities, where you can have fun with other COLAGErs doing relay races, team building games, and much more! will have the option to choose between Field Day or a Body Positivity workshop.

Crew (11-13 year olds): Our Families in the Media: During this workshop, ​COLAGErs will learn about media and representation, and the roles they play in our everyday lives. We will explore the presence of LGBTQ+ family stories in the media to better understand how seeing our families can help us tell our own stories, empower ourselves, and feel at home in the world at large.
High School (14-18 year olds): Desire, Consent, and Healthy Relationship:
This workshop will help teens begin to tackle our culture's conflicting messages about sex and sexuality, cover the basics of safer sex supplies for all kinds of intimacies, discuss the necessity of consent, and explore healthy vs. unhealthy relationships.

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4:00 PM16:00

Beach Bash

Join us for an afternoon of beach fun! Be sure to bring your swimsuit, a beach towel, and a picnic dinner for a relaxing oceanside afternoon. EVERYONE - remember not to climb on the dunes - the beach is a protected habitat!

Teen COLAGErs, don't miss the COLAGE Teen Zone!

PLUS: Have your picnic dinner delivered to be beach for you by the incredible Julie at Box Lunch! Click here to place your dinner order before Tuesday night.

Parking at the Beach Bash will be $25 before 5pm. If you're not planning to drive, there's a shuttle available! You can use this link to learn more!

Note: There is an accessible boardwalk and mobi mat to access the beach, as well as beach wheelchairs available from lifeguards.

Special thank you to RSM for sponsoring this event!

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2:00 PM14:00

Donor Ice Cream Social & Family Photos

If you have ever donated to COLAGE, including the pay-what-you-can registration donation for COLAGE Family Week programming, we would like to celebrate you! And what's a better way to celebrate in the summer than with ice cream? Join us by the anchor statue across from Lewis Brother's Ice Cream. Hang out on the benches with other families, walk the pier with your kids, or grab and go explore the rest of town! There will also be a family photo op! For those who opt-in, families will get a digital copy of their photo and COLAGE will keep a copy so we can celebrate you all year long!

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1:00 PM13:00

Drag Bingo with Kay Sedia

  • Unitarian Universalist Meeting House (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The whole family is welcome to join us for Drag Bingo with the incredible, glamorous icon Kay Sedia! Come share your love, your laughter and your wallet for an afternoon to benefit COLAGE. Come for the queen, the kitsch and the prizes. Play 1 round for $5; 2 for $8; 3 for $10 or 4 for $12. This FUNdraiser for COLAGE.

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10:00 AM10:00

COLAGE Workshops

Waffles (8-10 year olds): Our Families in the Media: Youth will start by learning about what is true/false in the media and how media can have a both negative and positive impact on our families. They will be given the chance to analyze different videos that they may be exposed to. They will then have the option to create their own positive social media artifacts. Gender Spectrum: In this workshop, youth will get a basic understanding of gender 101 and get to think about the diversity of gender expression, gender identity, outward presentation and how this intersects with physical and emotional attraction.
Crew (11-13 year olds): Intersectionality & Allyship:
In COLAGE we often talk about what we have in common, but we also have a lot of things that make us different from each other! This workshop gives COLAGErs a space to talk about their differences with people who already share one identity with them. In this workshop we will explore the different aspects of allyship and intersectionality, and their effects on our life.
High School (14-18 year olds): Self Care & Community Care:
In this workshop, we will define mental health and wellness, familiarize youth with the concepts of self care and community care, share about what these look like in our own lives and communities, and do a listening exercise to practice non judgemental listening as community care. Part of the objective is to talk about mental health and wellness in a less individualized way, and connect mental health and community care to current events and social justice.

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5:00 PM17:00

Wigging Out with Queerella DeVille and the COLAGE Kids

Bring your voice and dance moves to the Second Annual Queerella DeVille Show! "Wigging Out" will feature well known songs to advance a musical plot about Pride, self acceptance, and overcoming conflict. Tickets start at $10 for youth and $25 for adults. This is a FUNdraiser for COLAGE.

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10:00 AM10:00

COLAGE Workshops

Waffles (8-10 year olds): Welcome & Our Families: Hey COLAGErs! Welcome to Family Week! Come meet our amazing Waffles Staff, get to know your peers, find out what we’ll be doing all week and make new friends! We’ll spend this time getting to know each other, playing games, and talking about what connects all of us for this week and beyond.
Crew (11-13 year olds): Welcome & LGBTQ 101: Hey COLAGErs! Welcome to Family Week! Come meet our amazing Crew Staff, get to know your fellow crew members, or reconnect with your COLAGE family from years past! We’ll spend this time getting to know each other, playing games, and learning about how current LGBTQ+ issues relate to our families.
High School (14-18 year olds): Welcome & LGBTQ+/Queerspawn History: Come connect with new and old COLAGErs alike! We will be getting to know one another and learning how to support each other during the week. We will discuss important moments of LGBTQ+ and queerspawn history from before the 20th century to the present day.

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